The Grand Tetons
Grand Canyon of Yellowstone
On Saturday, May 12, Matt and I headed out for Park City to pick up is truck on the way to Yellowstone. Of course the only night we went out in LA was the Friday before. But you only live once and we made it in one piece, c'est la vie.
We left Sunday for Wyoming/Montana around 1pm, making it to Jackson by evening. We camped that night in Antelope Flats, just outside of the Grand Teton National Park. I experienced my first bison jam, which was exciting and slightly terrifying (they're SO weird). Monday we drove through all of Yellowstone to make it to Mammoth, at the northern entrance of the park. I got my first glimpse of Yellowstone Lake, where I'll be spending my summer at Grant Village. All of it seemed a little surreal, had I really agreed to spend the next 5 months in the wilderness? Yellowstone seemed beautiful and strange, I really couldn't wait to explore.
And now that I'm semi-up to date I'll elaborate more on my time here so far in the next week. Until then!