Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I'm baaaaack

Pileh Lagoon

Miss me? Well I was in Thailand. Sucks you weren't. No really, I feel bad for you. Look at that water. Look at it. Don't you want to jump in? I do. That's Pileh Bay near Koh Phi Phi, what Lonely Planet described as "heartbreakingly beautiful." And you know what? It breaks my heart that I'm updated this blog instead of jumping in that water. Thailand, this is a warning, I am coming back for you.

So there is now a pre-Thailand and post-Thailand in my life. I'm going to use my month-long hiatus romping around in Southeast Asia as a clean start to my "new life." Well, right now it's not so new, I'm still in Berkeley kickin' at Uncle Mickey's. But things are going to happen for me. I'm going to make them happen for me.

Before I left I covered Outsidelands days 1 and 3, sorry I didn't post photos, you can see my favorites on my website,, click it. This blog from now on will be more blog-y and less portfolio-y (that's what the websites for!).

I went to Thailand because my cousin, Hannah, was going anyway (she's studying in Bangkok this semester, hard life), I wanted to go on a trip, and I thought traveling might give me some fresh perspective. I realized I have always done what I was supposed to. I worked hard in high school, got into a great college, and majored in something I loved. I "got an education," expanded my brain a little, fell in love with Bizerkeley, and deepened my passion for photography. Meeting people working odd jobs in Thailand made me realize the most important thing is being happy. So I would like to be happy, and preferably make some money while being happy. And how could you not be happy being a dive master on Koh Tao or working the local bar in Vang Vieng? So maybe my new plan is to not have such a plan, to let things fall into place. And hopefully the pieces will fall all around the world.

Fingers crossed.