Saturday, October 29, 2011

Bye Bye, Berkeley

Berkeley, Oakland, the Bay, and San Francisco

I'm not good a goodbyes, mostly because I'm no good with change. They're emotional and take a lot of effort. So for all of the people I haven't seen in Berkeley and should have, I'm sorry. To my friends in the city who are partying without me, take some shots in my honor. I love you all and thanks to facebook, I know that if we lose touch, at least we can lightly stalk each other from time to time. 

Cal you've meant more to me than I ever expected. If you had asked me 5 years ago where I'd be going to school, my answer would have been "not Berkeley." Seriously. My mom pushed me to go there since I knew what college was. Naturally, I said "no, it's too close to you." So when I wound up at your front door (aka Telegraph Ave) as a freshman, I wasn't too psyched. But just as I learned to love that creepy old Oski, I grew to love Cal. So here's to dorm-room friends, game days, DG, the Daily Cal, recreation, shrooms, Apt 102, the list, RRR weeks, invites, my 4 failed date parties, ACEs, 6 pack, pledge porch, the porch, DG's couch, angels & devils, quiz nights, tap cards, Kip's, drunk brunch, Sunday Graduate days, beat the clocks, the crawl, Yogurt Park runs, protest barricades, marches, the list goes on and on. (and I now realize this is a couple months too late, but this is my blog, so suck it). You gave me "an education," a useful degree in art history; you taught me to think. I can also now successfully navigate through 100 feet of red tape. Thank you. No really, thank you. Berkeley is a special place, a crazy place, but I know when I come again I will only welcome Yoshua screaming about god knows what. Hopefully the earthquakes won't have engulfed the campus by then (seriously, what gives lately?). 

I will miss: the greenery of it all, the Bay's found-no-where-else sense of eclecticism, all of the crazy street people, Berkeley time, Star sandwiches, cheap Thai food, the fog in the morning, Berkeley Bowl, having my picture in a bar close by, BART

I will not miss: the bikers (STOP BIKING, if you're not going at least 25 mph, you don't belong on the road), Bay Area traffic - at least I expect it in LA, feeling badly that I don't shop organic, hipsters, BART

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Blue Angels over the Golden Gate

Been a while. I know I said this would be more blog-y but I still like the idea of posting my photos here. So I'll post stuff that's not on my portfolio site. 

These past couple of weeks I've been soaking in the last of Berkeley and living in SF on the weekends (thanks L Mac, Nat, and Soph! For my couch surfing I will be presenting them with a much needed bottle of hairspray). I also decided for sure to go to Deer Valley for the winter season and couldn't be more excited, I get to ski for an entire season! What is not so exciting is the price tag this stunt is creating: skis, boots, bindings, probably a new helmet and gloves, and actual winter wear (AKA not Ugg boots). Pricing this stuff out has made me realize that I enjoy two of the most expensive activities: photography and skiing (not to mention diving, good thing Thailand is so cheap). #middleclasswhitegirlproblems

And of course all of this just when the new Canon 1DX is announced (at a whopping $6800). And I still can't decide on a camera course even though I need a new body. Is there such a thing as a life scholarship? Where's my trust fund boyfriend when I need him? ...I guess there's always Sundance.

Also, if anyone knows of a cheap, furnished room in Old Town Park City, now would be the time to let me know.