Saturday, December 31, 2011

Comin' Alive

The Wasatch Mountains

I'm combining my overdue update with one of my nostalgic reflections marking the end of something I've chosen to define, in this case: 2011. It's a wordy one, so if you're here for the photos, I'm afraid the above is all I'm giving you right now.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Bright Lights, Big Mountain

Members of Deer Valley's Synchro team

Tonight was Deer Valley's annual Torchlight Parade. Ski School instructors are asked to participate in the lit procession down Big Stick. I opted to shoot it this year, if I'm here next year I think I'll sign up. It was one of those things that as soon as I saw it happening I said to myself, "yup, should've done it." However, I am really happy with some of the shots I got. See below!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Doc Holidays

Christmas lights on my street, Doc Holiday Drive

Hope everyone had a very merry Christmas! I promise a real update in the next few days.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A belated Thanks

The set table, before the feast

Thanksgiving is probably the holiday most rooted in tradition for me. We always have it with my mom's side of the family: Grams, Auntie Lorin, and Eden. Over the years our table has expanded and contracted, but the core remains the same (as do the dishes, even if we try new things each year, they're always in addition to the staples). It's always the same headache, the aunts yelling at my grandma, the kids being generally unhelpful. But it always turns out DELICIOUS, even if my mom tries to force salad down our throats (seriously mom, no one needs salad when there's stuffing and gravy). So I present Thanksgiving 2011, at 449 Wetherly:

The buffet all set

Eden holds a glass of champagne

Monday, November 28, 2011

Seems like street lights glowing

Skyline manipulation from Griffith Observatory

Good-bye LA, for now. These last unseasonably warm days have been nice, I'll be sure to miss it in Park City, land of the snow.

It's been an interesting month home. I did a lot of nothing. I did some shooting. But I mostly waited. And all of a sudden, my departure has snuck up on me. I'm about 3/4 packed and still hoping to shoot the lights on Rodeo tonight. Of course I procrastinated and wasted my morning (what happened to me? I used to be the early bird). As always, I made some questionable choices here; one foot's in the past, the other trying to leap into the future. Maybe I'll process on that later, for now it's Utah or bust!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Over the edge

A man peers down at Los Angeles from the Griffith Observatory

Monday, November 21, 2011

Mac down

Hard drive crashed...could have been worse, I just backed up last week and my new photo shoots are still on memory cards. Lost my editable resume (and the graphic Jessie made me) and Adobe (temporarily I hope).

Silver lining: upgraded to 500 GB

Thursday, November 17, 2011

No doubt

View of Downtown LA from 600 Spring St.

With so much time to think, a large portion of my efforts goes towards the future. Not my next six months having the time in Park City, but my real future. Driving around LA makes me think of the entertainment industry. How cool would it be to be a producer for TV? A Director of Photography for the movies? Or even working more full time in Park City, enjoying the outdoors, doing freelance work. But then I'll click on something like this, the entries for National Geographic's annual photo contest. And I actually want to cry the photos are so good. Look at 27, just AMAZING.

I read this article written by a photojournalist about pursuing a career in the field. He said if you can think of anything other than photojournalism that you're good at and would be happy doing, do that instead. He said photojournalism was more of a calling than anything else, and that it took a certain kind of person to work their nose to the grindstone in order to make a living through it. There are lots of things I can think of that I possess the skill set for that I could be happy doing. But there's this always been this pull towards photography, ever since 9th grade when I developed that first roll of film. The pull keeps getting stronger. So I've realized I can't be one of those 50-something moms who once had a dream, let it go, ends up having some mid-life crisis, and turns around to realize she didn't do what she loved, actually passionately loved. Because if all else fails with this whole me becoming a photojournalist, at least I'd have tried, at least there'd have been some passion, some hardship.

At least I'd have lived.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Until the sun comes up over Santa Monica Boulevard

Michaela poses in front of a mural on Santa Monica Blvd.

Two weekend ago I did a photo-shoot for my friend Michaela, who with our other friend Monica, have an awesome fashion blog Hemingway & Handbags - check them out. We did a couple locations, one was the colorful mural that was so popular with my high school photography class. It's on Santa Monica, behind a liquor store, makes for fun color. These ladies know how to stretch a college grad budget into something fashionable, I even took some tips and bought the same boots in the photo (gotta love those sales on sales Bloomies has about every 2 days). 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Ye Olde Memory Lane

The egg

This is one of my earliest prints that I was proud of. It's also one of the few early prints I had digitized. Our assignment was to photograph something outside of its environment. We were all given an egg, I took mine to Will Rogers park in Beverly Hills. 

It's probably because I'm home with nothing to do (except think about being homeless in Park City), but I've been going through old high school stuff I found on my computer and it's got me living in the past. Going through these old conversations (thank you random AIM log manager file) and posts (linking to my livejournal will just disgrace my professionalism, but if you are friends with me on facebook, it's there somewhere) reminded me of how volatile I was in high school, my emotions were always spilling to the surface. I was convinced no one understood me. Some of it's rather funny, of course I wasn't the only one feeling what I was feeling; but there were some things that I was entirely too young to deal with. In hindsight it's interesting to see some of my relationships going through the high school experience. Everything was so much more dramatic back then. I think by senior year we finally figured out that it just wasn't worth it to always be mad at each other for the little things. I couldn't even imagine DG with that kind of door-slamming drama over little nothings. 

Everything is so involved in high school. You spend hours and hours with the same friends, classmates, and teachers day in and day out. Then we would come home and spend hours talking and analyzing everything over IM with the same people. I guess it was the beginning of the cyber social scene. But in some ways, the whole IM thing was more personal. It wasn't public sharing, I had some really intimate conversations via IM. 

Thankfully I foresee no one going through my computer and getting their hands on these files. So my embarrassment will be kept to myself. It's kind of like going through old shoots, seeing what went wrong, and figuring out how to fix it. So maybe it's this necessary thing I do, embarrass myself in front of myself so that I can see how far I've come. Make sense? I see now how wisdom does come with age so far, but in some ways I am still that awkward girl nervous of passing so-and-so in the hallway, OMG? Did he see me? Like, what does this mean?!? I guess that's something I'm still working on.

Right now it's just a little awkward to be home. I know that most of the people who were such an important part of high school are across the country doing real life things. So I realize I'm a little alone in my nostalgia. But I'm okay with that. A month from now I will be waking up to fresh Utah powder, ghosts forgotten until another time.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Something's gotta give

The foggy Bay

Well I'm back in the good ol' BH. Living on the couch. Currently in an apartment with the water shut off for maintenance. This is the life. On the bright side: La Provence is a mere 5 minutes away by car, can you say chopped salads all day errrrr day?

My to do list (to be completed before December):
- Find a place in Park City, preferably with other young, fun ski bums
- Purchase skis, boots, poles, and a new helmet (life scholarship, where are you?)
- Service car so I don't break down in the snow
- Clean camera gear, seek advice on my body predicament (Canon that is)
- Put stuff I don't need for 6 months in storage
- Come to terms with not wearing sandals and dresses on the regular

Wish me luck!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Bye Bye, Berkeley

Berkeley, Oakland, the Bay, and San Francisco

I'm not good a goodbyes, mostly because I'm no good with change. They're emotional and take a lot of effort. So for all of the people I haven't seen in Berkeley and should have, I'm sorry. To my friends in the city who are partying without me, take some shots in my honor. I love you all and thanks to facebook, I know that if we lose touch, at least we can lightly stalk each other from time to time. 

Cal you've meant more to me than I ever expected. If you had asked me 5 years ago where I'd be going to school, my answer would have been "not Berkeley." Seriously. My mom pushed me to go there since I knew what college was. Naturally, I said "no, it's too close to you." So when I wound up at your front door (aka Telegraph Ave) as a freshman, I wasn't too psyched. But just as I learned to love that creepy old Oski, I grew to love Cal. So here's to dorm-room friends, game days, DG, the Daily Cal, recreation, shrooms, Apt 102, the list, RRR weeks, invites, my 4 failed date parties, ACEs, 6 pack, pledge porch, the porch, DG's couch, angels & devils, quiz nights, tap cards, Kip's, drunk brunch, Sunday Graduate days, beat the clocks, the crawl, Yogurt Park runs, protest barricades, marches, the list goes on and on. (and I now realize this is a couple months too late, but this is my blog, so suck it). You gave me "an education," a useful degree in art history; you taught me to think. I can also now successfully navigate through 100 feet of red tape. Thank you. No really, thank you. Berkeley is a special place, a crazy place, but I know when I come again I will only welcome Yoshua screaming about god knows what. Hopefully the earthquakes won't have engulfed the campus by then (seriously, what gives lately?). 

I will miss: the greenery of it all, the Bay's found-no-where-else sense of eclecticism, all of the crazy street people, Berkeley time, Star sandwiches, cheap Thai food, the fog in the morning, Berkeley Bowl, having my picture in a bar close by, BART

I will not miss: the bikers (STOP BIKING, if you're not going at least 25 mph, you don't belong on the road), Bay Area traffic - at least I expect it in LA, feeling badly that I don't shop organic, hipsters, BART

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Blue Angels over the Golden Gate

Been a while. I know I said this would be more blog-y but I still like the idea of posting my photos here. So I'll post stuff that's not on my portfolio site. 

These past couple of weeks I've been soaking in the last of Berkeley and living in SF on the weekends (thanks L Mac, Nat, and Soph! For my couch surfing I will be presenting them with a much needed bottle of hairspray). I also decided for sure to go to Deer Valley for the winter season and couldn't be more excited, I get to ski for an entire season! What is not so exciting is the price tag this stunt is creating: skis, boots, bindings, probably a new helmet and gloves, and actual winter wear (AKA not Ugg boots). Pricing this stuff out has made me realize that I enjoy two of the most expensive activities: photography and skiing (not to mention diving, good thing Thailand is so cheap). #middleclasswhitegirlproblems

And of course all of this just when the new Canon 1DX is announced (at a whopping $6800). And I still can't decide on a camera course even though I need a new body. Is there such a thing as a life scholarship? Where's my trust fund boyfriend when I need him? ...I guess there's always Sundance.

Also, if anyone knows of a cheap, furnished room in Old Town Park City, now would be the time to let me know.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I'm baaaaack

Pileh Lagoon

Miss me? Well I was in Thailand. Sucks you weren't. No really, I feel bad for you. Look at that water. Look at it. Don't you want to jump in? I do. That's Pileh Bay near Koh Phi Phi, what Lonely Planet described as "heartbreakingly beautiful." And you know what? It breaks my heart that I'm updated this blog instead of jumping in that water. Thailand, this is a warning, I am coming back for you.

So there is now a pre-Thailand and post-Thailand in my life. I'm going to use my month-long hiatus romping around in Southeast Asia as a clean start to my "new life." Well, right now it's not so new, I'm still in Berkeley kickin' at Uncle Mickey's. But things are going to happen for me. I'm going to make them happen for me.

Before I left I covered Outsidelands days 1 and 3, sorry I didn't post photos, you can see my favorites on my website,, click it. This blog from now on will be more blog-y and less portfolio-y (that's what the websites for!).

I went to Thailand because my cousin, Hannah, was going anyway (she's studying in Bangkok this semester, hard life), I wanted to go on a trip, and I thought traveling might give me some fresh perspective. I realized I have always done what I was supposed to. I worked hard in high school, got into a great college, and majored in something I loved. I "got an education," expanded my brain a little, fell in love with Bizerkeley, and deepened my passion for photography. Meeting people working odd jobs in Thailand made me realize the most important thing is being happy. So I would like to be happy, and preferably make some money while being happy. And how could you not be happy being a dive master on Koh Tao or working the local bar in Vang Vieng? So maybe my new plan is to not have such a plan, to let things fall into place. And hopefully the pieces will fall all around the world.

Fingers crossed.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ailey Camp [final]

"I Been 'Buked"

The final performance of AileyCamp was last Thursday, August 4. It was a truly inspiring night, the kids danced so incredibly. The above was my favorite shot of the night, taken from the opening number. For the whole photo essay, including a lot of shots from that night, click for my SFGate piece

A Perfect Circle

A Perfect Circle

The last week of July was a musical one, I shot my third concert Saturday, July 30 - A Perfect Circle at the Greek. It was probably the worst lighting situation I have ever found myself in, and our two song limit counted their opener, which was probably 1 minute total. I got a couple decent shots (the one time I don't bring my mid range...lesson learned).

Reggae Risin'

The Greek Theater, Berkeley

The Seedless Summer Tour made a stop in Berkeley at the Greek Theatre on July 29. And how could it not? Reggae music and lots of pot, the show was made for an outdoor venue in Berkeley. Shwayze and Cisco opened first, an unexpected surprise (I signed up to shoot for Slightly Stoopid), followed by Rebelution, and then Slightly Stoopid. It was a fun event to shoot, although it would have been even more fun as a participant. 

His Kinda Party

I shot Jason Aldean at the Shoreline on July 27. I spent about 2 hours driving to the venue (traffic and an accident, also, why on a workday?) but the show was good. For the full gallery, click for the SFGate page.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ailey Camp [03]

Ballet drills

My third shoot at Ailey Camp was July 14. I spent most of the morning in ballet class, the last two images are from jazz. Looking through and editing these photos I've found them to be extremely grainy (my 40D does not do the best in low lighting, hence bumped up ISO, which I hate) - I'm thinking of converting to black and white. I'll see what happens as the project progresses.

Almost purchased a 1D this week, sadly the seller on craigslist was unresponsive to reason. Another lesson in how being rude can totally turn someone off of doing business with you - must remember that one.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ailey Camp [02]

Jump practice in African dance

My second shoot at Ailey Camp was July 7 (yes, a little misleading since that's when I posted my first Ailey blog...sorry). I had so much fun capturing photos of the campers learning African dance moves, so much energy! Below you'll find pictures of African dance class and some images of the non-dance classes. Ailey camp focuses on building character through dance, and reinforcing that through personal development and creative communication classes.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ailey Camp [01]

First dance class

The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater puts on Ailey Camp on the UC Berkeley campus each summer, this year marks 40 years. I am documenting camp as a photo project for More to come!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Growin' Up

Reese and Mom

June 23, 2011, the day my sisters became high schoolers. Talk about feeling old. Part of me is filled with envy that they just get to start the good years; here I am, finished with school, wondering what the fuck am I going to do? But then the other part of me reminds myself that I am 21 years old, the world is my oyster, Viva Las Vegas and All That Jazz. 

Back to the graduation, it was a definitely an Event: 4 solos and 4 speeches? At least it was entertaining, if only accidentally.

I-5 Southbound [01]

Construction on the 5 southbound

Coming from Los Angeles and going to school in Berkeley, highway 5 has been a familiar road these past four years. Each time I've done it (countless instances), I have wanted to photograph it. I decided this summer I would make it my project. Last Wednesday I made the trip down for my sisters' 8th grade graduation. It was my first time driving down since spring break, a perfect opportunity for the first of many shoots I'm sure I'll make this summer. 

This first shoot taught me a few things. One, I may switch my medium to using my Holga for a more interesting effect. Two, I need to set better parameters, I have now defined them as: the 5 from it's origination off of the 580 to the Grapevine (it would be just plain stupid to try and photograph the Grapevine). Three, shooting on the side of a highways is dangerous, I must proceed with caution.

Cooking with Redbull (yes, Redbull)

The chefs arm-wrestle during their 15 minute cook-off

I shot Bravo's "Top Chef: The Tour" in San Francisco last week. The event featured chefs Fabio Viviani and Ryan Scott in a quick fire challenge involving salmon. Despite the absolutely sweltering temperatures, the event was fun and entertaining. Although, how could it not be with tequila and Redbull as ingredients. 

For the full story, check it out here.

A Little Mud on the Tires

 Cars on the race track

I assisted Karl Nielsen for a portfolio shoot at the Merced Speedway. It was a hot, long day, but had some very interesting sights! I didn't know there was a racing culture in California, but then again I didn't know there were real cowboys here either (Karl has photographed some and said I could come along next time wooo).

Monday, June 13, 2011

Country Man

Tim McGraw surprises fans by opening his set on a platform in the middle of the upper seating area of the Shoreline.

Saturday I shot Tim McGraw's Emotional Traffic Tour at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View. If you don't know me, then you don't know that I like country music. Yes, this Jewish, middle-class white girl likes country music. I've been to one country music concert before, Kenny Chesney at AT&T Park the summer of 2009 - what a night. Shooting this concert without friends made me realize something: country concerts are more fun with friends, and beer. 

However, that isn't to say that getting up close and personal with The Band Perry, Luke Bryan, and Tim McGraw wasn't amazing either. All three put on a great show, which made me realize something else: I want to go on tour with a country act. Luke Bryan's band looked like they just had so much fun together, I would love to be a part of something like that. I also think I need to live in the South for a part of my young adult life. Sorry Dad, I'm looking into it.

For the full gallery on, click here. I put my favorites below: I warn you, dramatic Tim McGraw photos ahead.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Good Eats

Door number of Vessel in San Francisco

Last Wednesday I shot the SF Chefs 2011 Launch Party. It was a lot of the same as the ACT Gala, but with food! There were four chefs featured, one was sampling beef tartare (I've been craving some since Paris)! I put a few venue shots below, find the full gallery here.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Old Dogs, New Tricks?

Men's 60+ Division

Sunday I assisted Kelley shooting the USA Waterpolo Masters tournament in Moraga. It was a whole day of nonstop shooting (I really need to invest in those portable chairs all the guys have on the sidelines of basketball games). But it was interesting because it was a tournament for men and women who were still competitive in waterpolo outside of college. I got to watch 60+ men and 55+ women really go at it in the water. And just because they were elderly didn't mean that the playing was any less brutal, they were all pretty feisty. 

I put some of my favorites below the fold, check out the full gallery here.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Speak softly but carry a big flash

Backdrop for ACT Gala red carpet

Last night I discovered why red carpet photographers all carry such big flashes: it's to assert their power. I'm not a huge fan of how flash looks - aesthetically - but when you put an external on a camera, it makes you look like you know what you're doing. 

I was paid to shoot the red carpet for the opening night gala of ACT "Tales of the City." The event took place in a tented venue in Union Square as well as in front of the theater a few blocks away. At first I didn't put my flash on, I didn't like the effect it produced with the backdrop and tent overhead. However, because of this, the rest of the photographers (all men by the way), probably thought I was inadequate comparatively and got in front of my shots. To be a female in the event coverage photography line takes some thick skin and big balls. Since I'm covering another event for the Chron next week, I'll have another chance to practice. 

Full gallery at

My 15 minutes

Lis Jeppesen and Mads Blangstrup of the Royal Danish Ballet perform "La Sylphide" at Zellerbach.

I shot the Royal Danish Ballet Tuesday evening. I always enjoy shooting at Zellerbach, even if I have to shoot behind a curtain during actual performances. The PR people at Zellerbach are always excited to have the publicity, whether it was from The Daily Cal or now the Chron/SFGate. 

This shoot was very exciting for me because my photo appeared on E2 of the Chronicle today! I hope it's the first of many more. Coincidentally I also got to hang out in the photo room for a brief second today - how I wish to be a part of that day-to-day. Keeping my fingers crossed!

For more, click for the piece on the Gate.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I guess I thought that this would never end

Sarah Vehian looks at the line for roll call

Saturday, May 14, was General Commencement. There was a lot of debate about whether or not my friends and I were going to attend, it's a loooong ceremony and we didn't even think they read out names. I also told my parents to come to my departmental one a week later. However, we decided that General was the only time we could all graduate together. The ceremony has gotten so popular for students to do that it no longer takes place at The Greek, but not on Edwards Stadium (kind of lame). 

The ceremony itself was completely underwhelming, no one even told us to move our tassels. The keynote speakers were lacking and the Wicked performance (how surprising for a graduation) was subpar to the one at my high school graduation. I found myself disappointed in how Cal sent us off. But maybe we can attribute it to budget cuts or whatever. In the end it was still nice to sit there with all of the people I started college with, coming full circle (and we all know how much I love to come full circle).

Just Do It

My favorite shot of the game

Friday, May 13, I took my one and only in class final of the semester bright and early at 8am. It was also my last test of college, perhaps my life (depending on if I can make this whole photographer thing work...which I'd really like to). Most students probably went home and napped after the test, or maybe they went to Remy's for a mimosa; maybe they even went to Raleigh's and got a beer (if Raleigh's is even open at 10am). 

I drove to Stanford and shot a rugby game. I was helping Kelley Cox shoot the USA Rugby DI College Championship. I could only stay for one game, UCSB vs. Bowling Green (UCSB won). I got some great shots, and got to play around on Kelley's 7D (I'm hoping for a Canon box for graduation, fingers crossed!). It was a nice afternoon, reminding myself that this is what I want to do. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Campanile

Pollarded London Plane tree shadows. London plane trees line the path to Sather Tower

A pre Graduation trip up the Campanile, just another check off of the bucket list. I have been up the Campanile once before, during my CalSO, seems like everything is coming full circle.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Country Roads, Take Me Home

Railroad Revival Tour in Oakland, CA

The first stop of the Railroad Revival Tour was at the Port of Oakland on April 21. It was an awesome show. For the full gallery, check out my piece on I put some of my favorite shots below the cut as well. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Oh Holi Day

Holi revelers on Lower Sproul Plaza at UC Berkeley on April 17, 2011

UC Berkeley celebrated Holi, the Hindu springtime festival of color, this past Sunday, April 17, 2011. The Indian Students Associate put on the event and used environmentally friendly and non-toxic dyed corn flour for coloring agent.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I Scream

The storefront of Ici

Some shots from the ice cream feature for BARE. The article featured blurbs about Ici and Tara's Organic Ice Cream, both ice cream parlors on College Avenue.

Dance Dance Revolution

 "Cry" performed by the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater

I shot the Alvin Ailey performance in Zellerbach last week. Great performance, makes me wish I had a better sensor than my 40D. But when the lighting hit just right, the shots were awesome.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fear the Ponytail

 Guttierez on defense

Title inspired by "Fear the Beard" of the Giants' last season. Jorge Guttierez is a real beast on the court, and can't be missed with his signature ponytail. Although last night it was more of a bun.

Lil Ole Miss

Cal and Ole Miss fight for the rebound

I wanted to post something new, sneak peak of last night's NIT game vs Ole Miss. Cal won 77-74. It was my last game of the season, but I hope not last game ever, I really want a chance to shoot from the catwalks. How awesome would that be?

This game gave me my sharpest shots yet, thanks in part to Kelley lending me her other 1D and using my 70-200. The 24-70 just doesn't cut it, although the focal length is more ideal. I also got to use a fancier pocket wizard, so the jokes on you strobes! (I think I am on my way to mastering them after all)

You can see some of my shots here, mine start at 25. I'll post more soon.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Flying High

Halftime entertainment by the Flying W's

Fight, Fight, Fight (On)!

Cal's Jorge Gutierrez fouls USC's Maurice Jones. This instigated a slight altercation between the two, and their teams.

The Cal Men's Basketball team lost to USC 78-75 in Haas Pavilion on Februrary 17, 2011. It was an exciting game to watch, especially when the above happened. 

Getting better at the strobes, timing is everything with those guys.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ladies in Red

 Sophomore Eliza Pierre attempts to score

I shot the women's basketball game vs. WSU last Saturday. The Bears lost 68-66, an unhappy outcome,  but a cool experience because I shot solo. 

Eliza Pierre

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Flashing Lights

Cal and Oregon fumble for possession

New semester, 2 new jobs: interning at and Both unpaid, but invaluable in experience.

My first GBS shoot was the Men’s Hoops game last Saturday. I was excited and nervous, this was bigger than The Daily Cal, hopefully the beginning of something good. I got to walk the catwalk and see the strobes (previously a nuisance, but now a great assistance) as well as the awesome view over Edwards Stadium. Gotta love all the roof perks of photojournalism. Kelley introduced me to the rest of the photojournalism gang, I hope to call them colleagues one day (soon!).