Sunday, November 7, 2010

Firenze Fury

Florentine street
We arrived in Florence, found our hostel, Locanda Latina (5 via del Sole), and were ready for the day. A note about hostels in Florence: the bigger, newer ones seem to be more on the outskirts of the city (which isn't that big, but still, it's nice to be central); we opted for Locanda Latina because it was in a central location - it was basically a converted apartment with multiple rooms withs beds and a shared bathroom. 

We had lunch at Canova do Gustavino on via della Condotta. SO DELICIOUS, another great local spot. Gelato at Vivoli (a must, of course). Duomo climb followed by a stroll through the Piazza Signoria and then the Uffizi (we got there at 4, it closes at 5, and it was totally empty, great time to go!).

An overslept nap followed the Uffizi, to which we were woken up by an angry hostel manager. Apparently I never made my booking and they had no bed for me. There was about 20 minutes of panic before the guy made sure there was a bed next door at Locanda Rocco (or something like that). Crisis averted (though I did sleep with my key under my bed just in case).
Dinner at La Gato e Volpe, tasty food and even better prices. Drinks at Red Garter (funny to return to the place after being there in February). We made our way to Space and found ourselves in the midst of a foam party. I admit I had always wanted to go to one, I just wasn't prepared in my dress and sandals. 

Then...disaster...I realized my iPhone was no longer in my pocket. After waiting until the club closed and calling the owner the next day, I had to come to terms with the fact that I had no phone. My dad was not happy to say the least, but then again, at least it as just my phone and not my passport, or me for that matter. 

We hit the leather market somewhat accidentally in the morning. I came out of that experience a lot poorer and with a new Italian beau - the jacket store clerk who talked Chaya and I into making some serious purchases. It's almost official, we're now facebook friends. 

I caught the shuttle back to Pisa to board my flight to Paris, my days in Europe were seriously numbered.

Duomo di Firenze
Walkway around the base of the dome

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